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ISU ADVANCE presents “Straight Talk: Demystifying Faculty Pathways for Success and Satisfaction.”

Author: Troy Rutter

Over the next several months, ISU ADVANCE will be running three workshops under the umbrella of “Straight Talk: Demystifying Faculty Pathways for Success and Satisfaction.” Each session will directly address 2021 COACHE survey data related to faculty satisfaction and will clarify university policy and processes, including those related to promotion and tenure. These sessions are designed for faculty at all levels AND for anyone in a leadership or mentorship role.

The first will be on Monday, February 13 from 1:00-2:30pm in the Memorial Union Sun Room and will focus on Aspiring Leaders and Administrators.

Sessions on March 7 and April 6 will focus on Thriving Term Faculty and Flourishing Tenure-Eligible and Tenured Faculty, respectively.

For more information, see the linked flyer or contact LAS Equity Advisor Amy Rutenberg (