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April 23: “What Happened to the Dinosaurs?” With Timothy Rowe


Don’t miss this upcoming lecture:

Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar: Timothy Rowe
“What Happened to the Dinosaurs?”
Thursday, April 23
7 p.m.
South Ballroom, Memorial Union

Timothy Rowe is a paleontologist whose research focuses on the evolution and development of vertebrates. He is the J. Nalle Gregory Regents Professor of Geology at University of Texas, Austin, as well as director of the Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, which holds one of the largest research collections of vertebrate fossils in America. Co-founder and director of the High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography Facility, he is a leader in developing digital technologies to analyze and visualize the skeleton along with the soft tissues that the skeleton supports. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Keck and Intel Foundations, and the American Chemical Society.

Sponsored by Phi Beta Kappa, Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, and the Committee on Lectures (funded by Student Government).