Free massive open online course begins Jan. 5
Dr. Steffen Schmidt will begin his third offering of The Iowa Presidential Caucuses MOOC (massive open online course) on Jan. 5. The free course is open to the public, and nearly 2,000 individuals from 14 countries have already participated in previous sessions. The four-week course is self-paced and students will receive a certificate of participation.
This course analyzes Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucus presidential candidate selection process, the history of U.S. presidential candidate selection, the role of the media, and the future of the Iowa Presidential Caucus.
Dr. Steffen W. Schmidt is a University Professor of political science at Iowa State University. He grew up in Colombia, South America and has studied in Switzerland and France. Dr. Schmidt obtained his Ph.D. from Columbia University, New York, in public law and government. He has published six books and over 70 articles in scholarly journals, and is the recipient of numerous prestigious teaching prizes, including the Amoco Award for Lifetime Career Achievement in Teaching and the Teacher of the Year Award.
For more information or to enroll in the course visit