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Cyclones Care campaign elements available for use across campus

Author: Contributor

The university’s strategic relations and communications team recently introduced an extensive portfolio of digital and print materials for the Cyclones Care campaign, a behavioral messaging campaign designed to encourage positive and safe behaviors. The materials prioritize four key actions for faculty, staff, students and campus visitors: sample sign - Cy and occupancy limit for buildings

  • Wear a face covering
  • Wash or sanitize hands often
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet (2 meters)
  • Stay home when ill

The entire campus community can help keep each other safe by modeling these priorities.


An entire suite of branded signage is available for printing, ordering, or editing. To maintain consistency and safety, please utilize the pre-made signage in lieu of creating your own.

Printable and editable signs can be found here:

Building signage that can only be ordered by building supervisors can be found here:

Social Media Kickoff: Want this, wear this

By now some of you may have started to see the “If you want this, wear this” social media content that Iowa State University accounts have posted. All are invited to participate in this campaign and customize the posts with your unique ISU experience by switching out the “want” image. The “wear this” graphic and examples are provided in the link below. social media post want this wear this with Campanile

This campaign is targeted for Twitter and Instagram during the weeks/days leading up to the start of the semester. Please tag @IowaStateU and @las_iastate if possible.

Campaign logos, brand standards and a messaging guide are currently available as well as a folder of optional LAS images to use for the “want” image.

Additional Resources

The campaign kit also contains web banner and email signature graphics, digital signage for video, and will continue to evolve. Please take advantage of this opportunity to encourage everyone on campus to show empathy and care for each other!