2014 LAS Research Workshops
Four brown-bag research workshops sponsored by the College of Design this spring are open to everyone on campus, including faculty who might seek only a refresher or have a specific question. All four Friday events are from 12:10 to 1 p.m. in Design room 130. Each session will include a brief presentation, general discussion and time for project-specific questions. Cookies will be provided.
Feb. 14: Kerry Agnitsch
“Institutional Review Board (IRB): What all researchers need to know”
This seminar will cover topics such as determining when IRB approval is required, how to seek IRB approval, and what the IRB looks for when reviewing research. Tips on how to smoothly navigate the IRB approval process will also be covered.
Feb 28: Lisa Lorenzen
“Commercializing Your Research”
In this session we will discuss the process of commercializing your ISU innovations. Topics will include how to disclose your ideas, how can your technology be protected, what is our process for making decisions on the patentability and commercial potentials of the technologies, and who is your point of contact in OIPTT to answer questions and facilitate the commercialization process.
March 14: Sandra Norvell
“ISU’s Publication Subvention Grants”
This presentation will review the new guidelines and requirements for the Publication Subvention Grants offered through the Office of the Vice President for Research. Faculty are encouraged to bring their project-specific questions. Applications to this internal grant are due on Monday, April 7.
March 28: Tammy Polaski
“OSPA 101: Overview of the OSPA Pre-Award process and its influence on the Post-Award process”
This presentation will provide an overview of the OSPA proposal review process and how it affects the post-award process. It will provide an explanation of how to register in different systems for ISU and external funding sources. It will also cover the Goldsheet process including the files needed for review and tips for proposal and budget development. It will include a perspective of how the Pre-Award process aids in the completion of the Post Award process.