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Save the date: Machine as Human/Human as Machine, artificial intelligence and the arts and humanities symposium, March 21-22, 2024

Author: Troy Rutter

As part of a larger, University-wide strategic initiative on AI and the humanities, this symposium advances the hypothesis that building machines that act like people is a quintessentially humanistic and creative endeavor. The symposium draws together international experts on AI and the arts and humanities from a broad range of disciplines to inspire conversations and new collaborations in research and teaching.

In conjunction with the Faculty Senate’s Bi-Annual Spring Symposium on AI on March 21st, 2024, the first afternoon of our symposium focuses on pedagogy in the arts and humanities. The following day, March 22nd, 2024, focuses on the broad range of prior work and future opportunities for research in AI within the arts and humanities.

Please visit for more information and to register.