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Register for the Spring Research & Innovation Roundtable March 8

Author: Troy Rutter

Iowa State University’s Office of the Vice President for Research is hosting its next Research & Innovation Roundtable (RIR) event this spring. Faculty across campus – from applied and social scientists to humanists and Extension specialists – are invited to explore big and bold ideas that could grow into large interdisciplinary research initiatives.

Topic: Community Vitality
Location: Memorial Union
Date: Friday, March 8, 2024
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

(a full lunch will be provided)

RIR participants will engage in several facilitated breakout discussions and pitch project ideas. Additional time for self-assembly team identification will follow the breakout discussions. Instructions regarding Requests for Proposals for those interested in forming a team looking for funding will be shared at the event and resulting proposals will be evaluated by the event facilitators and funded based on interest, connection to the Strategic Plan  and matching funds.

Learn more about the spring ’24 event.

Register here by  February 16, 2024.