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CELT recommendations for syllabus language about AI

Author: Troy Rutter

Looking for guidance on how to talk to students about using AI? Check out CELT resources, including the following:

Include information in the syllabus and on assignments, particularly if there is variability in when or how much AI use is allowable. As AI tools become increasingly embedded in existing technologies, students may be in situations where it is unclear how the use of the tool relates to your expectations of them. If the students are unsure, instruct them to contact you for clarification.

Sample syllabus or assignment language

When content-generating AI is not allowed

This course assumes that all work submitted by a student will be generated independently by the student or as part of an assigned group. Any substantive portion of an assignment done by someone else, including AI-generated content, is not allowed and will be treated as academic misconduct.

When content-generating AI is allowed with appropriate attribution

In all academic work, the ideas and contributions of others must be appropriately acknowledged. AI tools, including ChatGPT, are permitted in this course for certain assignments, and specific instructions will be included with each assignment. Identify any writing, text, or media AI generates when submitting work. Students should indicate how AI tools informed their process and the final product, including how AI-generated citations were validated. Failure to properly acknowledge the AI-generated contributions will be treated as academic misconduct.

When content-generating AI use is allowed in limited instances

Students may use AI tools to help preparefor assignments and projects (e.g., to help with brainstorming, concept development, iterations of an idea, etc.). When submitting a final product for grading, students must indicate how AI tools informed their process and the final product, including how AI-generated citations were validated. Students are responsible for the accuracy of the generated content.

When content-generating AI use is encouraged broadly

Students are encouraged to use AI tools in this course. When submitting work, students must clearly identify any writing, text, or media generated by AI. Students are responsible for the accuracy of the generated content. Failure to properly acknowledge the AI-generated contributions will be treated as academic misconduct.

When content-generating AI is not allowed

Consult Student Conduct Artificial Intelligence guidance.