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Streamlyne Launch moved to August 1

Author: Troy Rutter

The upcoming launch of the Streamlyne Proposal Development system has been moved from July 5, 2023, to August 1, 2023. This is a joint decision of OSPA, OIC-OIPTT and the ISU Foundation.

The first step in the Streamlyne Proposal Development (PD) Implementation was a pilot program that began May 15, 2023. The pilot progressed more slowly than expected. In addition, some unforeseen challenges with system implementation were uncovered. Many of these issues have been resolved but others still need to be addressed before moving into full implementation.

Campus users may begin, but are not obligated, to use Streamlyne starting July 5, 2023. OSPA is still moving forward with the original timeline for its key change to the proposal review and submission process: budgets are required to be submitted by the PI/Pre-Award Administrator to the OSPA Pre-Award Team for Initial Review eight working days ahead of the sponsor deadline. This change will start on July 5, 2023, as planned, regardless of whether a proposal is routed using the legacy GoldSheet or a new Streamlyne PD document.

The Streamlyne project team appreciates the patience and understanding the campus community has demonstrated through the transition from the antiquated legacy proposal system to the new Streamlyne system. OSPA is excited about Streamlyne’s potential for delivering an enhanced user experience and higher quality proposals across the institution, and the team is striving to make the transition as seamless as possible for faculty and staff.

Visit here for the most current information on the move to the Streamlyne proposal development and routing system.