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Tools, Tips, and Tricks for putting Science of Team Science Research into Practice workshop on April 20

Author: Troy Rutter

The Office of the Vice President for Research is excited to offer the upcoming Tools, Tips, and Tricks for putting Science of Team Science Research into Practice workshop on April 20 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm in the MU.

Dr. Ellen Fisher and Dr. Hannah Love from Divergent Science LLC will share their experience of incorporating team science tools and techniques into teams. Discover a handful of techniques you can begin practicing immediately. Drs Fisher and Love will provide great examples and ways to work these into any size team. Participants will leave with critical components to a team agreement plan including aspects for decision making, authorship, communication and onboarding plans.

This workshop is open to all faculty, staff and students of the Iowa State community who may benefit from tools to help manage teams. Join us to learn about as many of the tools as you’re available for and share this opportunity with others who may find it useful.