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Please provide input on your Iowa State University benefits

Author: Troy Rutter

On November 1, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Iowa State University Benefits Survey.” The email will include a personalized link. Please complete the survey before November 15. University Human Resources wants to better understand which programs you and your family value most – and how those programs align with our aspiration to be a university that cultivates a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment where students, faculty and staff flourish. Your participation is vital to making this effort a success.

The survey is confidential and will be conducted online by Mercer, an independent human resource consulting firm. Results will then be analyzed, aggregated, and shared with ISU. The survey, which will be administered securely online from November 1 to November 15, will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

This will be time well spent for both you and Iowa State University. The results from this survey will help Iowa State shape our benefits programs in a way that incorporates your views and preferences. Thank you in advance for your participation and candid feedback.