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MyLAS: an internal website created for faculty and staff

Author: Troy Rutter

When LAS Improved Service Delivery (ISD) roles (shared positions across departments and units) were rolled out with the launch of Workday, it provided the perfect opportunity to create a helpful resource for the LAS community to find information and contact details for both college and department staff whose roles were affected by the change. The result: MyLAS.

MyLAS ( is more than just a staff directory. It also houses a list of faculty and staff awards since 1964, grant descriptions and deadlines for a variety of opportunities, college committees and a trove of links to other resources, providing a one-stop resource to quickly find information. Internal documents previously found on, such as promotion and tenure guidance or LAS pre-grant support were moved to MyLAS to streamline information intended for internal audiences.

The People Finder is by far the most popular section on the website. Using this tool, you can easily find departmental contacts for each of the ISD roles. You can search for contact information by role or by department. The generated listing can be printed for easy reference.

Changes and updates to the People Finder are coordinated by LAS fiscal operations, HR coordinators and Troy Rutter, the architect of the finder tool. While there is not currently a direct interface with Workday, to include more LAS staff, it is being looked into.

The site also curates announcements, news, events and faculty publications from several other LAS websites and displays them on the home page. Archived editions of Around LAS, the LAS internal newsletter, are also available in the Resources and Links section.

Bookmarking the MyLAS homepage and making it your web browser start screen is a great way to keep informed of the latest college news, announcement, events and grant deadlines. It is an ever-evolving resource for all of LAS.