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Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Catt Center

Author: Contributor

Please consider making a gift to the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics in celebration of its 30th anniversary.

The 30-year anniversary celebration continues as Catt Center members share achievements, stories and memories, in addition to hosting special events.

Anniversary year in review

The anniversary year kicked off February 24 when Dr. Nichola Gutgold presented on her new book, “Electing Madam Vice President.” Gutgold analyzed the campaign rhetoric of the six women who ran for president in 2020, as well as several earlier women candidates. She used the resources of the center’s Archives of Women’s Political Communication in her research.

On March 3, the Catt Center showed “Speaking Truth to Power,” a documentary about U.S. Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA), the most senior African American woman in the U.S. Congress.

On March 22, Governor Susana Martinez, the 2022 Mary Louise Smith Chair, spoke about the need for bipartisanship in government, noting “we need to work together if we are to move forward.”

On March 30, the Catt Center hosted a ranked choice voting simulation in conjunction with several academic departments and Better Ballot Iowa.

Next year, the Catt Center will mark the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, the landmark legislation that opened educational opportunities for women and girls, and promote student voter participation in the midterm election.