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Recovery ally training: Sign up or request a session

Author: Contributor

Student Health and Wellness now offers a 90 minute recovery ally training for faculty, staff, and students focused on how to support those in recovery or seeking recovery.

Register for free at this link.

In order to create an atmosphere of acceptance and empowerment for students who are in or considering recovery, Recovery Ally training provides an overview of what recovery means and what it looks like to build a recovery positive environment.

Topics Covered include:

  • Understanding the complex nature of substance use disorder.
  • Confronting stigma regarding substance use disorders and recovery.
  • Effective listening and supportive response to recovery needs.
  • The multiple pathways approach to achieving wellness in recovery.
  • Available support resources and how to access them.

You can request training for a group or sign up individually for one of the following sessions:

  • Jan 27th
  • Feb 10th
  • Feb 24th
  • March 10th
  • March 24th
  • April 7th
  • April 21st

Register for free at this link.