ISU Innovation Prize competition | November 12 & 13
Author: Contributor
Author: Contributor
The ISU Innovation Prize is a weekend incentive competition at Iowa State University that encourages participants to think boldly in order to solve big problems in education, agriculture and other important global issues. This event will be held November 12 and 13.
This event is free for students, faculty, alumni and community members. Three $1,500 cash awards will be given to the teams that present the best ideas.
Faculty and staff are invited to spread awareness of this opportunity to students and colleagues. Organize and bring a team of your own!
The competition theme is Innovate at Iowa State. No experience is needed and you aren’t required to have an idea of your own to participate. Attendees will work in teams to solve challenges we face in three focus areas:
Ag Tech: How do we increase the productivity of the global agricultural system with a less negative impact on land, energy, water and Mother Earth?
Possible focus: Food Security; Food Waste; Water Quality & Availability; Keep Life Below Sea Habitable for Humankind; Combat Deforestation & Life on Land; Sustainable Agricultural; Renewable Energy in Wind, Solar, Hydropower; Energy Crops; Carbon Sequestration; New Public Policy; and Private Investment Options.
EdTech: How do we design and reinvent learning for a better experience (quality & value) in an age of accelerating technology?
Possible focus: Nontraditional Classroom Experiences & Models; Breakthrough Experiential Learning; Latest Brain Science & Learning Technologies; Innovative Funding Formulas; Offline & Online Learning–New Technologies, Analytics, & Robotics; When and When Not to use Assessments; Great Transformations–Shrinking Demographics in Local Schools; Life-Long Learning.
Global Impact: How do we improve the quality of life and continue to help solve urgent issues all around the globe? This broader category is designed to challenge yourself to think big!
Possible focuses: Fighting Poverty & Reducing Inequalities Within Developing Countries; Ensure Healthy Lives & Well-Being; Achieve Gender Equality & Empower All Women and Girls; Ensuring Affordable & Clean Energy to Transform Lives, Economics & the Planet; Overcome Urban Cities Congestion & Shortage of Adequate Housing.
The ISU Innovation Prize is co-hosted by the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship and the Agricultural Entrepreneurship Initiative.