Please encourage students to enroll in LAS 203: Professional Career Preparation
Author: Contributor
Author: Contributor
LAS Career Services offers and teaches LAS 203: Professional Career Preparation. This 1-credit, 8-week course coaches students through designing and pursuing a meaningful career that aligns with their values, strengths and skills.
Please encourage students (sophomores through seniors) from all LAS majors to enroll.
The course is part career exploration (defining personal brands, researching opportunities, setting goals, networking with professionals) and part job-search mechanics (resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn, interviews, salary negotiations). At the end of LAS 203, students will have a concrete plan for how to make their ideal career a reality after graduation or graduate school.
The in-person sections will be taught in the new Student Innovation Center. Online sections are also still available.
Students who complete the course will receive a black, embossed leather padfolio with the Iowa State University and LAS College wordmark to use at interviews and career fairs.
The summer was spent further developing course content, including a full slate of newly recorded lectures (full list of topics on the LAS 203 website) and exemplar resumes for each major group.
With the phasing out of Career Exploration Services (formerly a unit within Student Counseling Services) on campus, LAS 203 has increased the amount of time spent on career exploration and “life design.”
In-person sections are moving to a flipped classroom model to spend even more class time on interactive activities; students will also be grouped in long-term “design teams” with peers who share similar career goals to increase their awareness of discipline-specific opportunities and career search practices.
If you know of a student who could benefit from LAS 203, please send a referral email to Tessa Brow, Career Education Coordinator, and she will connect with the student.