Please complete the ISU Electronic File Storage Survey
Author: Contributor
Author: Contributor
As Iowa State studies electronic data storage needs, faculty, staff, students and researchers are invited to complete the ISU Electronic File Storage Survey by August 2.
The purpose of the survey is not to limit storage. The survey is being conducted to identify the needs of each customer and implement the best solutions to meet those needs.
With your input, campus-wide solutions can be identified and a long-term plan for electronic file storage can be developed and implemented.
The survey will be open July 6-August 2, 2021.
With nearly every operation on our computers and other electronic devices, information is accessed, files are created and data is stored. And with each of these actions, electronic file storage is needed to save the changes, store the files or print the results.
Box (known as CyBox) and Google have announced changes to their file storage services and capacity provided to Iowa State. Because of the changes, the Storage Advisory Committee, along with campus IT staff, would like your input. The goal is to provide the best file storage tools, for Box and Google and all uses.
Implementing best practices for data storage and file retention are helpful in any environment.
To improve file management at the university, consider implementing these tips:
• Delete obsolete, duplicate or out-of-date files.
• Remove non-work-related items from university storage.
• Implement a file management plan.