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Call for F21 Honors Seminar proposals

Author: Contributor

The University Honors Program would like to invite you to submit a proposal to teach an Honors seminar in fall 2021!

Proposals are due by Friday, March 5, 2021. Details and guidelines can be found here on the Honors website.

These one- or two-credit courses, offered for a half or full term, allow Honors students to examine topics of current or special interest. They are offered on a pass/fail basis and enrollment is usually limited to 17 students.

Take a look at the seminars we’ve offered in the past.

Honors allocates $500 per seminar for the professional development (e.g. professional subscriptions, membership fees, travel) of the instructor(s).

We ask that you spread the word about Honors seminars among your colleagues, particularly if you know of anyone who might be interested in this opportunity.

If you’re interested in submitting a proposal for a seminar or would like more information, please contact Katherine Sterk or Laurie Smith Law with inquiries.