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Cyclone Honor Band will be virtual | Events will be held this Friday, February 5

Author: Contributor

For information, contact Dr. Michael Golemo via email or at 515-291-9341.

The Cyclone Virtual Honor band will be held Friday, February 5, 2021 | 10:00 a.m. – noon


Since 1977, the Iowa State University Band program has organized and hosted the Cyclone Honor Band Festival. Each February 200 high school students, their high school band directors and parents have been invited to campus to participate in or attend the prestigious two-day event. However, not this year. The Cyclone Honor Band Festival was destined to join the list of events that could not be held due to the pandemic.

According to Iowa State University Director of Bands, Michael Golemo, “Most honor bands throughout the state, including the all-state band, have been canceled. We decided to not cancel but to regroup and create a way to still offer this Cyclone tradition. Last semester, we began working on a Virtual Honor Band Festival, hoping it would be well received. As of today, we have over 250 students registered to participate on Friday, a number higher than if we’d held the festival on campus. We have 47 schools participating in Friday’s event.”

The traditional festival featured two guest conductors who took bands through a series of rehearsals that culminated with a Saturday afternoon concert in Stephens Auditorium. Another piece of the schedule was the opportunity for the student musicians to attend master classes with the Iowa State University music faculty. Since rehearsals and concerts are not possible, it was decided to offer the students the opportunity to learn from two notable guest conductors virtually and to still “meet with” the ISU music faculty who will teach the instrument they play through the use of breakout rooms.

Golemo added, “This event is not only a successful recruiting event for Iowa State each year, but also an educational and inspirational event for so many student musicians in Iowa.”

At Iowa State, Golemo serves as Director of Bands and is joined by Associate Director Christian Carichner and Assistant Director Javan Shields. The band program at Iowa State consists of eleven different bands.

For information, contact Dr. Michael Golemo via email or at 515-291-9341.