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Employees needed again for COVID-19 testing, tracing and case investigation

Author: Contributor

To meet the need for COVID-19 testing, case investigation and contact tracing – the university is again asking for volunteers to break from their regular job responsibilities and serve in these important roles.

Employees can choose to participate in this effort on a part-time basis while continuing their usual tasks or serve full-time if their capacity allows. This may periodically include weekend hours. The commitment will be for the duration of the spring semester.

Employees are needed for the following:

(This work does not increase exposure – it is all done without personal contact, and training is provided.)

-Non-clinical staffing (line management and registration) at the testing center at Johnny’s in Hilton Coliseum, which resumed operations on January 11.

-Staffing the call center (scheduling appointments).

-Performing contact tracing.

-Performing case investigations.

Please check with your supervisor before volunteering to touch base about how this will impact your current responsibilities and schedule.

If you have questions, or if you would like additional information, please contact Craig Hamerlinck.