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Update on ISU international travel policies

Author: Contributor

On March 5, 2020, the Board of Regents implemented a rolling 30-day ban on international travel for employees and students. The ban has been continuously extended since that time and remains in effect with certain modifications as of October 19, 2020.

University-sponsored international travel remains suspended for students. As you know, spring study abroad programs scheduled to depart before May 1, 2021, have been canceled. The university and Board will continue to monitor the global situation and provide updates when decisions are made about study abroad programs scheduled after May 1.

The Board has authorized the universities to approve, on an exceptional basis, individual faculty and staff (but not student) international travel specifically tied to university responsibilities. After careful review and in the light of the pandemic’schanging circumstances, the university will not approve international employee travel for business purposes until conditions improve. This decision will be revisited on a rolling 30-day basis. As a reminder, employees may not conduct university business (such as delivering a lecture at an institution or conference, or conducting research) while traveling internationally for personal purposes.