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ISCORE 2021 – Save the date March 3-5, 2021 | Call for proposals

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ISCORE SAVE THE DATE: March 3-5, 2021

Pre-Conference: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 – Open to Iowa State faculty and staff

Full Conference: Thursday and Friday, March 4-5, 2021 – This comprehensive forum on issues of race and thnicity is free and open to the Iowa State University community (students, faculty and staff).


THE Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE) welcomes proposals on race and ethnicity. Submit a proposal here. The deadline for submitting proposals is December 1, 2020.


1. Title
2. Abstract of 200 words or less to be used in the conference program
3. Presenter(s) information:
-Name as it should appear in the program
-Job title or academic classification (graduate, senior, junior, etc.)
-Department or major
-Contact information of presenter(s) (mailing address, phone number and email)
4. Students only: Name of your professional mentor assisting you through the process. A professional mentor is a staff or faculty member you have consulted regarding your presentation for topic selection, presentation review, development of learning outcomes, etc.
5. Provide 1–2 learning outcomes

Notification and acceptance will be sent by December 16.