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Employees required to fill out Conflicts of Interest and Commitment (COIC) Disclosure

Author: Contributor

This is a friendly reminder to complete your annual COIC disclosure (for 2020) now. You should also update the COIC disclosure form throughout the year as necessary.

Per the Conflicts of Interest and Commitment (COIC) Policy and the COIC Procedures, Applications, and Guidance Document, all faculty, P&S staff, contract staff, graduate assistants and postdoctoral scholars are required to disclose whether or not they believe they have a conflict. Failure to disclose may result in sanctions or disciplinary actions in accordance with the Iowa State University misconduct policies and procedures.

The COIC disclosure is accomplished through an electronic process on AccessPlus, at The COIC Disclosure site contains a screening question and then a “Graduate Assistant Form”, “Short Form” or “Standard Form” for your disclosure based upon your position responsibilities and your answer to the screening question.

Instructions for COIC Disclosure
1. Sign into AccessPlus, click on the “Employee” tab, and then click on “COIC Disclosure” on the left side bar.
2. In the upper left hand corner, select “Create/Update”.
3. Answer the “Screening Question”.
4. Answer the questions on the “Graduate Assistant Form”, “Short Form” or “Standard Form” to which you are directed. If asked to provide information about one of your external activities, please give enough detail that reviewers not familiar with your situation can understand. Avoid abbreviations when possible.
5. Verify that your supervisor (or the “major administrative unit head” for your employing department) is listed in the supervisor field, or use the drop down list to select your supervisor or unit head.
6. Click on the “Submit” button to forward the form to your supervisor for review.
Thank you for your cooperation. Questions about the process of COIC disclosure may be directed to