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2019 World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium

Author: Amy Juhnke

2019 Borlaug Dialogue Registration Open Graphics5 (1)

The 2019 World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium will convene an exceptional array of distinguished international leaders, farmers, agribusiness executives, scientists, non-governmental organizations, and development experts to address the most critical issues facing global food security. The theme for the 2019 Symposium, “Pax Agricultura: Peace Through Agriculture,” will address the increasingly intersectional issues of food security, conflict and development. With topics ranging from religion, diplomacy, climate, scientific innovation, and corporate leadership, this year’s Dialogue will serve as an opportunity to take stock of the current state of global agriculture and food security.

Attendees will have access to 20 panel discussions and keynote addresses, 25+ breakout events, and opportunities to meet and network with experts, Laureates and leaders in food security and agriculture from over 40 countries.

Register now!