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WorkCyte: Here we go!

Author: Amy Juhnke

Following is a message to all Iowa State University academic units.

We’re almost there! This final edition of WorkCyte News is focused on items related to the July 1 Workday/ISD launch, including user labs, training resources, and contacts for questions and support.

Patience is a virtue

People ask, “what’s the number one thing I can do to get ready for Workday?” The answer: Be patient.

The transition to Workday and Improved Service Delivery is THE biggest change to happen at Iowa State – at least in our careers on campus – so the idea that everything is going to be 100% perfect on July 1 is unrealistic. There may be small glitches that can be addressed after the initial go-live period, or larger issues that demand immediate attention.

Regardless of what those challenges might be, we’ll get through it if we are patient with the system, and with each other. Remember that the Workday and ISD teams share one common goal – to provide YOU with the best, most accurate service – so that you can focus on Iowa State’s mission.

Learn by doing at Workday user labs

In addition to Workday training (which we know you have already completed!), you can take advantage of user labs that offer the opportunity to wander through the system and view your own data. You can do a trial run of updating your address or contact information, view your leave balances, or even submit a (hypothetical, of course) vacation request for Friday, July 5.

User labs are available both before and after go-live. Check the Workcyte website for available times, and then Register at Learn@ISU.

Training? What training?

Of course, if you have not yet completed your training, now would be a good time to start! Several modules are appropriate for all employees, including Introduction to Workday, Employee Self Service, and Absence Management for Employees. Managers should take the introductory course for managers, and anyone eligible for overtime should complete Time Entry for Nonexempt Employees.

The courses are available now on Learn@ISU, so beat the rush and complete yours today! You might also benefit by reviewing the Workday Job Aids

Check your email!

Just like, “The dog ate my homework” is not an acceptable excuse for students, “I didn’t check my email” is no excuse for missing important information about Workday and ISD. Be sure to read the emails that will be coming in the next week – as well as Monthly Matters and Inside Iowa State – to stay up-to-date on the project, and to make sure you are ready as possible for go-live on July 1.

Have questions or need assistance?

For technical questions about Workday after July 1, including how to access or log into the system, contact the IT Solution Center at

For questions about business processes, transactions, and other ISD-related topics, send an email to or Your message will be routed to the appropriate service team, and they’ll be happy to help you.