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Go-Live resources: Don’t panic!

Author: Amy Juhnke

It’s almost go time, but the WorkCyte team has you covered, with resources to answer your questions!

Job aides like this one can help you with tasks in Workday.
Job aides like this one can help you with tasks in Workday.

Job Aides – these are visual guides that walk you through tasks like accessing Workday training, enrolling in benefits, checking your absence balance, and general navigation within Workday.

However, don’t use job aides as a replacement for training! It’s easy to find a breakdown of training that fits different roles at Iowa State – check out the lists of training by role on the WorkCyte training page.

User labs will be available after July 1. These are half hour sessions that you can attend, log on to Workday, and ask lab hosts questions about the system. Faculty and staff are invited and encouraged to attend one of several post go-live User Labs. No registration is required — just walk in at your convenience. User Labs are July 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 032 Parks Library.

A few things to note about the User Labs:

  • No registration required!
  • Questions related to security, business processes and reporting will not be covered
  • A time and absence specialist will be present at each lab session from 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Job aides will be available
  • If the Support Team is unable to answer a question, team members will help users log a ServiceNow Ticket

The college’s ISD Transition Team continues to assist departments and staff as the new staffing structure rolls out. The team is still available for ISD-related questions.

LAS Transition Team

For technical questions about Workday after July 1, including how to access or log into the system, contact the IT Solution Center at