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March WorkCyte updates

Author: Amy Juhnke

Workday goes live in just over three months! The Workday team is busy testing training, gathering feedback from the workshops that have been offered and from individuals previewing the actual training that will be delivered over the next several months. When the training is ready, faculty and staff will be notified which training is required, according to roles and responsibilities. Following is this month’s update for academic units:

Welcome back – we hope you had a relaxing spring break! This month’s edition of WorkCyte News is focused on Workday training, which will vary depending on your role within the University.

Training on the horizon

The WorkCyte team is busy preparing training materials for Iowa State’s faculty and staff, including more than 10,000 people in the Division of Academic Affairs alone. While everyone will be required to take the Introduction to Workday course, other courses will be based on specific security roles in the new system. Specialized procurement training, for example, has been designed primarily for the 50 or so colleagues who are part of Improved Service Delivery teams.

Most of the 52 training courses will be computer-based, though some topics that require more detail will be covered in instructor-led sessions. The interactive software being used for computer-based training is similar to what you have seen in other programs (discrimination and harassment training, for example), but will be tailored more specifically to Iowa State’s needs.

So, how many training modules will I need to complete?

The majority of employees will only need to complete the introductory course, which will cover topics such as timekeeping, vacation requests, and changing personal information in the system. Employees engaged in Improved Service Delivery, by comparison, will complete as many as 30 total training courses as they develop the specialized expertise necessary to serve campus. Again, the amount of training will be based on security roles in the new system.

Sounds great! When can I start?

You will be able to register for Workday training beginning in early April, with the actual training classes being available later in the month. Training will be offered up to – and beyond – the July 1 go-live date. This is especially important for faculty and staff who may not work during the summer months, but who want to get up to speed before they leave for the summer, or before they return in the fall.

For more information

Look for more information on WorkCyte each month through this academic unit update. You can also stay up-to-date by reading Inside Iowa State every week, and by visiting the project website: