WorkCyte Updates – LAS Transition Team and Okta deadline
Author: Amy Juhnke
Author: Amy Juhnke
Transition teams for the Improved Service Delivery (ISD) process have been finalized, and the team serving the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences follows. Team members will soon reach out to employees affected by the ISD changes, including those currently performing finance or human resources tasks or those who may perform such duties in the future. Members of the team will conduct face-to-face meetings with each affected employee individually.
LAS Transition Team
All faculty and staff who utilize applications such as Outlook or Cybox are required to activate multifactor authentication (MFA) by March 1, 2019. MFA adds another step to the Okta login process and another layer of defense against cyberattacks that can compromise university systems and individual accounts.
Video and text-based step-by-step instructions can be found on the WorkCyte website, and full details about the change are available in a recent Inside Iowa State article.
The July 1, 2019 implementation date is quickly approaching. Check out the WorkCyte website for additional resources and workshop dates.