LAS Auction for United Way is open!
Author: Stacey Maifeld
Author: Stacey Maifeld
The LAS Online Auction for United Way is now open!
Check out the many unique items up for bid, including an opportunity to conduct the ISU Marching Band, enjoy “Lunch with the Dean,” or take home one of several themed baskets.
You can bid now through Monday, October 8 at 3:00 p.m. Winning bidders will receive notification and instructions via email.
There is also still time to donate to the LAS campaign for United Way of Story County. We encourage you to fill out your pledge card right away and return it via campus mail by Friday, October 12. Thanks to all who have already generously supported this year’s campaign. Together, we can make a positive difference for our neighbors, friends and colleagues!
Questions? Please contact the LAS campaign co-chairs, Stacey Maifeld at or Lindsay Moeller at