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June 15: Cardinal Women call for applicants


Applications are being accepted through Friday, June 15 for a growth opportunity specifically for women* who are faculty and professional and scientific staff. Participants will engage in discussions designed to foster leadership development, goal orientation and purpose in their personal and professional spheres. Participants can expect to be challenged to reflect on their own experiences and to listen to the experiences of others.

The curriculum involves a monthly gathering that will include large and small group discussion and short written and/or video resources to be previewed prior to the gathering. Gatherings will take place for 2 hours each month. Topics will include identifying and silencing the inner critic, discovering and utilizing your inner mentor, communication style strategies, approaches to negotiation and how to support and affirm fellow women* in our community.

*This group is open to faculty and staff that identify as women. This includes women who are cisgender, trans, of trans experience, etc.

Eligibility: Full-time faculty and professional and scientific staff

Participation: Participation at all dates is the preference for participants. Sessions will be held on the following dates from 2:10pm – 4:00pm and will take place in the Memorial Union.
– August 8, 2018
– September 5, 2019
– November 7, 2018
– December 5, 2018
If there is a date for which you know you have a conflict, please describe that in your statement of interest.

Diversity and participant preferences: To facilitate cross-cultural connections, a diverse set of applicants is sought, including people from underrepresented groups, non-academic and academic campus units, and different career stages. Representation will include both P&S staff and faculty.

Statement of interest: The applicant should provide a brief paragraph explaining their interest in participating in this program, and state their commitment to pursuing the entire program.

Cost: This program will be free for participants.

Application: An application available [online]( You will be asked to provide demographic information and a brief statement of interest and commitment.

Applications Due: Friday, June 15
Selection Announcements: Monday, July 2

Questions: Contact Tera Lawson or Denise Williams-Klotz