ELO Fall Grants now available
Engineering-LAS Online Learning (ELO) online course development grants for Fall 2018 courses are now available. Please review the information below and apply online at [ELO Grant Application](https://www.elo.iastate.edu/design-and-delivery/engineering-las-development-grant/) if interested. The deadline for submitting your application is March 2, 2018.
A limited number of proposals may be awarded in this cycle with preference given to proposals that address [ELO’s grant priorities](https://www.elo.iastate.edu/design-and-delivery/elo-course-development-grant/).
You may apply for an ELO grant if you are scheduled to teach in Fall 2018 and would like to:
– Create a new online course or convert a face-to-face course to an online format (up to $3,000/credit hour), or
– Improve your existing online course (up to $1,000/credit hour).
Courses already available to be taught online may be eligible for the larger new development grant if significant additions and/or changes are required. Please see [requirements for a new development grant](https://www.elo.iastate.edu/design-and-delivery/grant-types/). These courses must be reviewed with your Department Chair/Program Director and Sriram Sundararajan before submitting the grant proposal. Once approved by your Associate Dean, please make note of it on the grant application and in the Letter of Support.
Grant Conditions
– The funding should be used to support online course development/improvement only. Please see [Expenditure Guidelines](http://www.elo.iastate.edu/design-and-delivery/expenditure-guidelines/) for details.
– The funding includes the services of ELO’s instructional design staff to ensure courses reflect [Quality Matters](https://www.qualitymatters.org/) best practices for online design.
– Course will be evaluated for usability and course design each time it is offered during the grant period.
– Grants do not support courses that involve live lecture capture as the primary mode of instruction.
More information is available [online](http://www.elo.iastate.edu/design-and-development/elo-course-development-grant/). If you have questions, contact Darshana Juvale or Dr. Rema Nilakanta.