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P&S Council seeks nominations


The Iowa State University [P&S Council]( is currently accepting nominations for new members, through the end of February.

Nominees for council must hold a P-base employment status. Council terms are generally for three years, and approximately one-third of the Council is chosen at each election. Elected councilors attend regular council meetings and are appointed to serve on a standing committee. The total time commitment is approximately 4 – 8 hours a month. This varies on the amount of involvement, elections to office, etc.

“I would like to encourage you to nominate a colleague, or to consider being nominated yourself,” said Beate Schmittmann, dean of the college of liberal arts and sciences. “This is an important role in ISU’s strong tradition of shared governance and will help you gain a deeper understanding of the university. You will also have the opportunity to serve as an advocate for P&S staff in our college.”

Employees who intend to stand for election to P&S Council should talk to their supervisor to make sure that service on the council will be compatible with their work responsibilities.