NEW Internal Funding Opportunity
BRIDGING the DIVIDE: An experimental interdisciplinary research seed program to holistically address wicked problems through new integrative collaborations among researchers in DESIGN, ARTS & HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCE and STEM disciplines.
[Spring 2018 Call for Proposals](, due March 15th
The goal of these grants is to support innovative projects that have an interdisciplinary focus and involve collaborations between faculty in the design, arts, humanities, and social sciences with faculty in the STEM disciplines.
Join the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities for lunch and learn about a new interdisciplinary research grant program (Two dates offered). The lunch and learn sessions are for bringing together interested faculty from across campus, providing some examples of such collaborative activities through lightning talks, and to answer any questions about the new program.
Lunch and Learn Sessions:
[Tuesday, Jan. 23](, noon – 1 p.m., 368A Heady Hall [Register](
Lightning talks by Michael Chris Low, History, and Linda Shenk, English
[Friday, Feb. 2](, noon – 1 p.m., 130 Design [Register](
Lightning talks by Annette O’Connor, Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, and Clark Wolf, Philosophy and Religious Studies
[Other internal funding opportunities.](