Dec. 4 and Dec. 7: VPR training on post-award actions
Upcoming workshops on what to do after you’ve received an award.
Post-Award Actions 101:
– [Monday, Dec. 4, 9:30-11 a.m., 2004 Black Engineering](
– [Thursday, Dec. 7, 1:30-3 p.m., 2004 Black Engineering](
Come learn the basics of post-award actions and the most frequently asked questions. We’ll talk about how to request a PI change, who can submit a no-cost extension request, who really needs to sign a revised GoldSheet, and other useful information about budgeting and managing award changes. This training is designed to help grant coordinators and research administration staff, as well as faculty and PIs who manage their own award administration, learn how to save time and navigate these processes quickly and efficiently.
Register [here](
If there are any questions, reach out to our researcher development coordinator, Amy Harris-Tehan.