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ELO grants for FY18


In light of the ongoing conversion of all spring courses to Canvas, ELO will not solicit new online course development grant proposals this Fall or for Spring 2018. Instead, ELO will focus on supporting existing online courses to help faculty convert to Canvas. The grant cycle will resume in Spring 2018 for online courses to be offered in Summer and Fall 2018.

As part of supporting the conversion process this Fall, ELO will identify online courses that would benefit from improvement and offer them a modified improvement grant once approved by the Associate Deans. ELO will communicate directly with these instructors and departments.

If interested, the instructors would sign a modified grant MOU that would include a grant award of $4,000 to hire a graduate TA or undergraduate student to work with them to convert their course(s). ELO staff would provide consulting/guidance to help the instructor convert the course but since it is an improvement grant, the bulk of the work will fall to the instructor and their graduate TA/undergraduate student. If it is a multi-section course the department/program would assign one instructor to manage the conversion. The instructor would agree to follow ELO’s guidance regarding course design best practices from their resource page

We believe this support will give the instructors and ELO the opportunity to:

– Update/improve a significant number of online courses at one time
– Expand the base of staff assisting instructors beyond just the instructor and the ELO IDs and TAs
– Implement course templates for multi-section/multi-instructor courses