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LAS Curriculum Committee Updates (experimental courses and catalog updates)


LASCC Website

The LAS Curriculum Committee maintains a webpage of helpful information, deadlines and links to central university resources for curriculum.

Experimental Course Process and Deadlines

All proposals must be submitted electronically through CIM-X. See the LAS Curriculum Committee website for guidance. For guaranteed review before registration period, Experimental Course Proposals should be ready for the LASCC by these dates:
• Summer and Fall Course Offerings – February 15 (After February 15, proposals will be reviewed as time allows in the order they are received.)
• Spring Course Offerings – September 30 (After September 30, proposals will be reviewed as time allows in the order they are received.)

Questions regarding preparation of experimental course proposals may be directed to Stephanie Hamilton (4-6471).

2017-18 Catalog

We expect the 2017-18 Catalog to publish approximately March 1. It will be available at

Catalog Updates

If you come across an issue in the current catalog that needs attention (curriculum overview, four-year plan, inconsistencies with degree audit, etc.), please alert your department’s / programs’ curriculum committee. Please remember that catalog changes precede degree audit changes.

2018-19 Catalog Preparation

Stage1: Course-level updates (numbers, titles, descriptions, adding, deleting, added cross-lists, etc.) for the 2018-19 Catalog will take place during spring 2017, after the 2017-18 Catalog publishes.

LAS College timeline for submitting course-level edits:
April 1st, 2017 preferred date for submitting course-level edits
April 15th, 2017 final deadline

Stage2: Narrative Edits (e.g. mastheads, 4-year plans, program descriptions, etc.) will take place in fall 2017.