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Jan. 15: Writers Resist event


Join English Department faculty and students at Beaverdale Books this weekend at an event to support the International Writers Resist Movement.

The Writers Resist Reading will be held this Sunday, January 15, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, from 1-4 p.m. The event will feature nationally-renowned writers from all over Iowa, including lecturers and students from ISU’s Creative Writing and Environment program, as well as faculty and students from Drake University and Grandview University.

Writers will read from a selection of diverse writers’ voices that speak to the ideals of democracy, compassion and free expression. The event is free, and the public is encouraged to attend. Internationally published readers and speakers include:

Ned Balbo, Evan Burger of Iowa Citizen Action Network, Paul Brooke, Ryan Collins of the Midwest Writing Center, Jim Coppoc, Heather Derr Smith, Marc Dickinson, Maddie Johnson and Jalesha Johnson of Movement 515, Meg Johnson, Aaron Jorgensen-Briggs of the Catholic Worker House, Jennifer L. Knox, Kyle McCord, Yasmina Madden, Blueberry Morningsnow, Ebonesiah Morrow, Akwi Nji, Jane Satterfield, Brian Spears, Beth Trafton, and Phoebe Wagner.

Des Moines event: Writers Resist Reading
Sunday, Jan. 15
1-4 p.m.
Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Avenue, Des Moines
Free and open to the public