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University offers post-election events

Author: Amy Juhnke

The Division of Student Affairs and Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion are offering students, faculty, and staff opportunities to gather after the election.

Student support space available
Nov. 9, 8 am – 10 pm
Multicultural Center in the MU
After the election, students may wish to process, find support, or just find a space to unplug and decompress. Students are welcome to do so at the Multicultural Center in the MU from 8 am until 10 pm on Nov. 9. Staff will be available to offer support and talk to students individually or in small groups. The Student Counseling Center will provide counseling services for most of the day. All students are welcome to find comfort and support each other.

Post Election Reflection
Nov. 9, 6 – 8pm
Multicultural Center in the MU
Multicultural Student Affairs will provide conversation space from 6-8 pm for students, staff and others who wish to engage in dialogue around issues, reflections, and points of discussion related to the election.

Let’s Talk About the Election
Nov. 9, 2:30-5 pm
3150 Beardshear
A second campus conversation this semester focused on the election is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 9 (2:30-5 p.m., 3150 Beardshear). The office of the vice president for diversity and inclusion invites students, staff, faculty, and community members to come together to discuss election outcomes. This is a drop-in event, so attendees may come and go as their schedules allow. Light refreshments will be served.