Mark your calendar: Upcoming faculty development opportunities
Author: Amy Juhnke
Author: Amy Juhnke
The Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost is sponsoring a series of professional development programs for the following faculty development workshops during the 2016-17 academic year:
LAUNCHING YOUR FACULTY CAREER (for non-tenure eligible faculty)
November 9, 2016; 1:00-2:30, Pioneer Room Memorial Union
An introduction for lecturers, clinicians, and adjunct faculty to university resources, polices, and programs to get them off to a successful start. The workshop will discuss career paths and opportunities for development at Iowa State University. It will be led by Associate Provost for Faculty Dawn Bratsch-Prince.
(for non-tenure eligible faculty)
December 1, 2016, 5:00-7:00 pm, Garden Room, Reiman Gardens
This reception is a great chance to get reacquainted with peers and meet new colleagues.
PREPARING FOR THE NEXT STEP (for non-tenure eligible faculty)
January 19, 2017, 1:00-2:00pm, Pioneer Room, Memorial Union
This workshop provides an overview of the advancement process for lecturers, clinicians, and adjunct faculty and best practices for putting together your portfolio. Presenters will share opportunities for faculty to become more engaged as your career develops. This workshop is led by Associate Provost for Faculty Dawn Bratsch-Prince and includes a faculty panel.
February 13, 2017; 3:00-4:30pm, Campanile Room, Memorial Union
This session, is designed to provide an overview of resources to document your scholarly impact and provide ideas for increasing visibility of your scholarly outcomes. It will cover: an introduction to impact metrics and sources (including journal impact factors and altmetrics); locating information on who is citing your work and creating reports in Web of Science and Scopus; and a discussion of methods for increasing scholarly visibility such as Google Scholar and ORCiD profiles, Digital Repository @ ISU, and open access publishing. Co-sponsored by Office of Senior Vice President and Provost, the Office of Vice President for Research, and the ISU Library.
MENTORING GRADUATE STUDENTS (for faculty who mentor graduate students)
March 7, 2017; 9:30-11:00am, Campanile Room, Memorial Union
Workshop for faculty who mentor graduate students led by William Graves, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, Steve Rodermel, Distinguished Professor in Genetics, Development and Cell Biology, and Ann Marie Fiore, University Professor in Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management.
PREPARING FOR A SUCCESSFUL P&T REVIEW (for new tenure-eligible faculty)
March 30, 2017; 9:30-11:00am, Campanile Room, Memorial Union
Workshop for new tenure-eligible faculty hosted by Provost Wickert. Faculty, department chairs, and their mentors will receive an update on the latest P&T policies and recommendations on how to successfully prepare for a third year and P&T review.
April 18, 2017, 1:00-2:30pm, Pioneer Room, Memorial Union
This session provides resources and tips to efficiently recruit, mentor, and manage support or research staff, including Post Docs and Graduate Assistants. The session will briefly address questions such as the following: What is the difference between P&S staff, Merit staff, Post Docs, Graduate Assistants and hourly staff? What is required for recruitment, and how long does it take? How can I support staff? What does it take to effectively manage performance?
This workshop is led by Director of Academic Policy and Personnel Brenda Behling from the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost.
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