May 12: ISU Marketing Summit
Faculty and staff who are responsible for strategic communications with key audiences are encouraged to attend the 2016 Spring University Marketing Summit.
This educational event, hosted by University Marketing, is held each spring and fall. You’ll learn things such as: how long it takes to build a university brand and what you can do to support it, how the university is proactively enhancing its reputation and how you can help, and what new features are available to you on the university’s Brand Standards website.
In addition to the summit agenda, Angie Collum, CRM Project Manager/Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator, has agreed to do a presentation “Graduate Student Recruitment 2.0.” She’ll discuss how our Graduate College has geared up to shape our brand to attract graduate students.
University Marketing accepts ideas and questions for discussion. Submit your questions prior to May 10 to and put ”summit question” in the subject line.
Reservations to the summit are due by noon this Thursday, May 5. If you haven’t already RSVP’d please do so to