Choose Your Adventure At Iowa State
Choose your adventure at Iowa State. This is the motto for our school but I don’t think many people take the time to fully grasp what this means.
My adventure at Iowa State was greater than I could have ever imagined. In three short years I was able to double major in Public Relations and International Studies. I received a college education while actually enjoying my classes! I learned how to be a leader in the clubs I joined, (mainly the Navigators and as an LAS Ambassador). Not to mention, while at Iowa State, I got to meet the man that I will be marrying this summer!
I loved getting to be a “Destination Iowa State” Leader to help new freshmen get used to the campus and feel welcomed.After receiving so much from this college and growing immensely, I am excited to get to give back to ISU as a Communications Intern this summer for the College of LAS! I’m thankful that I don’t have to leave this beautiful campus with the people I love so much quite yet.
Lately people have been asking me about my favorite memory at Iowa State and I’ve been struggling to choose one specific moment. For me, and many other seniors I’ve talked with, it’s been all the little things that have made college at ISU so great.
Here’s a list of just a few of the average little things that have made my experience at Iowa State so memorable:
The campus is GORGEOUS. And honestly, every sunny day I am tempted to add another picture of central campus or our Campanile to my Instagram because it is something I will never get tired of seeing!
Seeing friends everywhere I went! Whether it was just walking to class or sitting at my usual spot in The Hub, I was bound to see someone familiar which really made all of campus feel like my home.
Living in the dorms was great. As an only child I loved that there was always someone in a common area or nearby that I could find to talk to or do something with.
Going to football games or any activity (especially when they were free events) offered on campus with friends.
That list doesn’t even begin to name all of the fantastic memories I’ve had here. I know that even when years have gone by from this day, I will be able to come back to Iowa State and remember what good times I had here and the people who helped me succeed. As a new page of my adventure begins, I am proud to say I got to start it at Iowa State!
Posted by: Selia Schneider