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Army, Air Force, and Naval ROTC units honor Change of Command ceremony


The following story was written by ROTC staff at Iowa State University.

On April 20, 2016 the Army, Air Force, and Naval ROTC units came together for a tri-service change of command ceremony. This event marked the end of an old command and the beginning of a new one. This event fostered unit cohesion and gave the opportunity for midshipmen and cadets to interact with their peers in a professional setting.


The change of command ceremony was held in the Lied Recreation Center instead of central campus due to wet weather.

The commanding officers from the Army, Air Force, and Naval ROTC units were present along with an Air Force General as the guest speaker. The general spoke to the midshipmen and cadets about the importance of being a high exceeding junior officer.

During the ceremony, Midshipman 1/C Pollard handed the ISU NROTC flag off to Midshipman 2/C Rauenhorst, symbolizing the passing of responsibility on to his successor. After exchanging a salute and a handshake, the Commander of Troops then gave the command to pass in review, where the midshipmen and cadets marched in formation past the old and new battalion commanding officers.