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April 23: Cadets Against Sexual Harassment/Assault 5K/10K run


The Iowa State Army ROTC, Cadets Against Sexual Harassment/Assault – 5K / 10K fun run will take place on Saturday, April 23. The run starts at 10 a.m. in the center of campus.

Families, strollers, dogs, units, etc. are encouraged to participate.

The run will be through campus. All proceeds will go in support of the local ACCESS (Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support) facility.

As an added bonus, on this date the US Army Cadet Command Junior ROTC programs nationwide are attempting to break
the Guinness Book of World’s Record for the most people running at the same time. This run is coordinated to start at exactly 10 a.m. CST so that all participants are a part of the effort to be in the World Record Book