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April 23: 5K, 10K Fun Run


ISU Army ROTC 5K, 10K Fun Run
Saturday, April 23, 2016
10 a.m.

In support of the Iowa State University Sexual Assault Awareness Month, ISU Army ROTC will host a 5K, 10K Fun Run. All proceeds will support the Ames Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support (ACCESS).

Run will start at the north entrance of Jack Trice Stadium and will continue through south Ames and parts of campus. Students, faculty, staff, families, strollers, dogs, units, and others are all welcome.

U.S. Army Cadet Command Junior ROTC programs nationwide will also attempt to break the Guiness World Record’s entry for the most people running at the same time. Participation in the run will automatically include runners in the attempt to break the world record.

Registration information will be provided at a later date.