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March 29: Grant Writing Workshop – CAREER Grants


What does it take to earn an NSF CAREER Award?
Tuesday, March 29
9:30 a.m.
Kildee Hall Ensminger Room

Panel Presentation:
Gianfranco Ciardo (moderator): Computer Science
Christina Bloebaum: Aerospace Engineering
Baskar Ganapathysubramanian: Mechanical Engineering
Yehua Li: Statistics
Maria Salas-Fernandez: Agronomy

Join us to hear from previous recipients of this prestigious award! Writing a successful CAREER grant proposal requires clear articulation of long-term research and education goals, and that these goals are cohesive and well integrated. Panelists will provide some tips and recommendations, and participants will have ample time to answer questions. Online registration is available here: . If you have any questions, please contact Amy Harris-Tehan ( ).

The goal of the prestigious NSF CAREER Grant is to help promising researchers “build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research.” Writing a successful CAREER grant proposal requires clear articulation of long-term research and education goals, and that these goals are cohesive and well integrated. Recent CAREER grant awardees will talk about their experiences in developing their proposals, including their plans for the broader impacts, evaluation, and other requirements of this program. The speakers will provide some tips and recommendations, and participants will have time to ask questions.