Spotlight on Study Abroad
The College of LAS has many departments, but the one I’m going to share more information about today is the Study Abroad Department! Check out that page especially if you enjoy reading Paige’s blogs from Spain because you can find more blogs there from other students abroad! There is also a photo gallery that shows everything from monkeys in Costa Rica to students making a pyramid outside of the Eiffel Tower.
The Study Abroad Department is slightly different from Iowa State’s main Study Abroad Center because there have LAS Specific Programs listed like global seminars or other programs that sound SUPER interesting.
Two of the upcoming summer programs I have heard of mentioned in my classes have been to Greece and Germany; they both sound like amazing opportunities! One is called Archeology of Greece: Excavation where students get to engage in a 7 week program and excavate an early Greek city on the island of Crete! The other summer trip is to Germany to learn about Berlin’s History and Culture. Professor Mark Looney, who I have had for multiple German language and International Studies classes throughout my college career, will lead it! I believe this one is even still accepting applications so if that sounds interesting to you, don’t wait but instead consider choosing a summer adventure!
At one of our last meetings, Nancy Guthrie gave us LAS Ambassadors a run down on more info about study abroad in general and was so helpful! I know from experience that she is intuitive and so helpful when it comes to questions about anything study abroad.
Me with some of the students in the village that we visited in Belize on my study abroad short.I personally have been on one Study Abroad Short trip to Punta Gorda, Belize my freshman year and will be going on another service trip to Jamaica through Iowa State this spring break! I fell in love with our campus and the people here too much to leave for a semester but I would encourage students who are even a little interested to check out the many opportunities to study abroad! Then you get to extend your adventure at Iowa State to a different country!
Posted by: Selia Schneider