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Your new ISU address and identity materials


On Jan. 1, Iowa State University implemented new campus street addresses for all university buildings. The introduction of the new addresses is still underway, in phases.

The new street addresses will appear in the Iowa State online directory soon, and ISU Printing Services already has new templates developed for letterhead and business cards. The new templates have an additional line for the street address and space for an additional four digits in the zip code. New addresses should contain both the building and street address. For example, an address for someone in Catt Hall would contain both “202 Catt Hall” and “2224 Osborn Drive.” The new zip code would be 50011-4009.

Please continue using your current supply of letterhead, envelopes, business cards, and other printed materials with your address, until your supply is depleted. Reorders should reflect the new address.

Facilities Planning and Management published a web page with information about the timeline for changing building signage, address details, and even a Q&A document. A list of new addresses is available as well as full building information for all campus facilities.

For incoming mail, you are encouraged to notify vendors or other parties about your new address.