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Choosing Her Adventure in Spain!


Hola todos!!! This past weekend I went to the wonderful Sevilla, Spain in the province of Andalusia! Six of us girls and two boys hopped on a bus at 4:30 a.m. to go the three hours to Sevilla.

Our trip didn’t start off the best because  we heard a boom on the bus about 10 minutes into our trip. The bus driver then stopped about 45 minutes later, and we waited an hour for another bus to come because the bus had broken down. But it only went up and up from there! We arrived in Sevilla at about 9 and went to a café to refuel our jets. My first experience in a hostel was overall very good, but we had eight people, so we all got to sleep in the same room. The beds were surprisingly comfy, and the bathrooms were pretty clean!

Day one we walked around to see the beautiful Plaza de España (every city in Spain has a plaza mayor or plaza de España). Sevilla’s Plaza de España was amazing, my favorite one thus far. We also saw the famous Cathedral, which is the third biggest in the world. We paid 4 Euros to go into the Cathedral which was well worth it, and go up 38 ramps to La Giralda, a famous bell tower and the views were impresionante (Spanish for impressive) if you ask me.

One of my favorite things about Sevilla is there are always street performers. Whether it was someone dancing flamenco, or a man standing still for hours they kept the streets alive! The people in Sevilla are genuinely very happy, and I was surprised to find out that many of them speak English.

We also climbed up el Torre de Oro, a tower near the river to see views of the whole city. Once we got up, it was so windy but it had very cool views. We also saw el Alcázar de Seville, a royal palace designed my Muslim kings. Today, the royal family of Seville still lives there! At the end of the second day right before we hopped on our bus home we traveled to las Setas (which literally translates to the mushrooms) because they resemble mushrooms but it is a wooden like structure that you can go to the top of and see all of Sevilla! On the ride up las setas in the elevator, we met a group of college age students studying in Sevilla, and where were they from? Iowa! What a coincidence that was!

One interesting thing that I ate in Sevilla was croquetas, which I love, but croquetas with bull tail inside! I didn’t really taste a difference, but hey it was bull tail. I can’t really describe croquetas, but they remind me of fried mashed potatoes. Another one of my favorites which I had in Sevilla was the typical Spanish omelet with potatoes! Qué rico!

Posted by: Paige Zardzin