Due dates for nominations, course proposals, and catalog edits
LAS Standing Committees, Nominations, Due March 1
The College requests nominations of individuals who are able and willing to serve on College standing committees. Serving on a College committee helps meet the service requirements for promotion and tenure. Self-nominations are welcome. See the website for a list of committees and current
Please submit names and committees of interest to Stephanie Hamilton by Tuesday, March 1, 2016.
Experimental Course Proposals, Submit by March 1
The LASCC suggests submitting Fall 2016 proposals no later than March 1, 2016. Proposals will be reviewed in the order received. (Fall registration begins March 21, 2016.) Proposals are to be submitted electronically through CIM-X. See the LASCC website for guidance.
2017-18 Catalog Editing Underway
Course-level edits (numbers, titles, descriptions, adding, deleting, added cross-lists, etc.) are underway. April 1, 2016 is the LAS preferred date for submitting course-level edits; April 15 is the final deadline.
To initiate changes, login to the course inventory management system: https://nextcatalog.registrar.iastate.edu/cim/
General Education Updates
Send proposed general education additions (with syllabi) and requested deletions of existing courses to lasccadmin@iastate.edu by March 1, 2016.