Finals Week De-Stressing
If you’re a college student or have ever been one, you know how it feels to be that person who has spent countless hours and sleepless nights to cram for that test you barely remember any of the information for. You lock yourself in your room away from friends and other distractions to memorize those math equations; those troublesome definitions for biology, or how to spell the name of the artist for art history. We’ve all been there, whether we like to admit it or not. Finals are not fun for students or professors, but they are inevitable if you want to pass the class. With speaking to a handful of current Iowa State students, I have learned about some of the simple and fun ways they like to de-stress during one of the most stressful weeks of their college careers.
Students of this generation have more means of de-stressing now that technology is a reigning factor in their lives. A recent poll of ISU students stated that they have found their own ways of dealing with the stress of finals week. Some students resort to sleep or taking a nap, exercising, hanging out with friends, distract themselves with other forms of work, watch the beloved Netflix, take a bath, dance, or watch a movie at Cyclone Cinema. These are just a few of the many ways one can de-stress. Just because this is one of the hardest weeks for students, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take time for yourself. It becomes a great way for students to find a way to make this stressful week an enjoyable one!
It is important for students to make sure that their mind is free from stress because it can cause students to become distracted when taking their finals. If you are a current college student who knows your finals week is going to be challenging and might make you feel like you are out of control with knowledge, just take a step back from studying and breathe. Go ahead and take that nap (as long as you wake up in time for your test), or watch those last few episodes of “Friends.” As long as you know the material for your exams, you should be good to go. Just don’t be that student that takes too much time de-stressing and misses the mark on their exam.
So go ahead. Make sure you are ready for those exams, pass your class, but remember this whole process can be stress-free!
Posted by: Brittany Miller